Cabelas is a popular outdoor gear retailer that sells clothing, camping supplies, and hunting equipment. They even offer a free lifetime return policy! But does Cabelas take Paypal?
Yes, Cabela’s does indeed take PayPal. They also accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.

Their return policy is pretty lenient too. If you need help finding an item on the website please be sure to contact their support staff by phone or email for assistance.
Cabela’s is an outdoor gear company that sells hunting, fishing, camping, and other outdoor sporting goods. Their website has over 50 brands including their own label of clothing and footwear. They offer free shipping on orders $99 or more in most cases so it is worth checking out if you need any new gear for your next adventure.
Paypal can be used as a payment option when purchasing items from Cabela’s online store. When paying with Paypal at checkout there will be instructions on how much to pay and where to send it if you choose this option. There will also be a box for entering the billing address followed by another box asking which method of payment you would like to use.
Selecting the Paypal option will bring you to a screen that asks for your email address and password for Cabela’s. After signing in Paypal will automatically log you in and make the payment for you. This is only possible if there are available funds of course.
If you do not have a Paypal account then just enter your billing information on the next page as usual, then wait for PayPal to email you requesting that you sign up or login to your account before processing your order.
Cabela’s takes PayPal, so now you can shop for hunting gear and fishing supplies with ease. Through Paypal, you’ll be able to use the funds in your bank account or by using a credit card instead of having to deal with cash or checks.